WINS programs putting our Community and Youth first
here's how:
The list changes from month to month.
Centrelink Agency
No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS)
Energy Accounts Payment Scheme (EAPA)
Free public computers and Wi-Fi
Fresh fruit, vegetables and pantry items available 5 days per week as part of the Woolworths OzHarvest and Coles Food Second Bite program
Mayini Elders Group - Tuesday each week
Parenting Group - Tuesdays Each week from10am -1pm
Youth Pop Up Picnics - Each Wednesday at our local park
Boys and Girls Youth Groups
Youth Drop in Space for after school
School Holiday Programs
Weekly Narcotics Anonymous group
Services available for appionment at WINS Weekly include:
NSW Housing - (02) 6363 6011
Legal Aid - (02) 6651 7899
Western NSW Community Legal Centre - 02 6884 9422
Live Better Community Transport - 1800 580 580
Wellways - Mental Health Recovery & Rehabilitation Support
Orana Support Services, Specialist Homeless Service - 1800 353 199
APM Employment Services - 02 6884 3790
Family Violence Counselling
Marathon Health
Australian Unity, Aboriginal Health - 0400 684 281
Social Futures, helping people access the NDIS
Birrang Driving School - (02) 6361 9511

Room Hire
WINS have Rooms Available for Hire Daily they include:
Training Rooms, Workshops, Seminars, Interviews & Outdoor patio with seating, Shade and BBQ.
Toilets, Equipment, Catering & Refreshments provided.
Fees Include:
$60 Half Day $110 Full Day
Prebooking information Sheet needs be completed by person or organisation before date of Hire.
For more information or how to book in
Please call us on 02 6845 1606
Our Hosted Meetings
Wellington Interagency - held every third Wednesday of the month.
Wellington Aboriginal Advisory Panel (WAAP)
Police Aboriginal Consultative Committee (PACC)
Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG)
Agent & Access point
Access for people in rural, regional and remote areas can get help with Medicare, Centrelink, Child Support and other government services.
How our Agents can help you
At our Agent Access Point you can access all of the following services:
use internet enabled computers and printers
access free Wi-Fi without a password
call us using the phone provided
scan, copy, print and upload documents
verify identity documents
access online information about payments and services.
set up and access digital services
find online information about payments and services
get a referral to other services.
Staff at Agents and Access Points aren’t Services Australia staff.
They cannot:
make any payments or decisions about payments
review, assess or vary payments
complete or submit claims on your behalf.
Open from 9am - Closing at 4:30pm - Contact Number 12 24 68